Adolescence DIY Session

Symptoms and Associated Behaviors

  • Does Not Respect Others or Self
  • Has Not Figure Out Who They are In Life
  • Struggles with Abstract Thinking
  • Lacks Hypothetico-Deductive Reasoning
  • Feels Inadequate or Insecure Around Peers
  • Inflated Opinion about Their Own Importance
  • Thinks They are Special and Unique
  • Lacks Basic Values in Life
  • Lacks Moral Reasoning
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Adolescence Overview

According to Erik Erikson, between the age of 12 and 18 you develop a sense of Identity or Identity Confusion. A sense of identity involves defining who you are, what you value, and the direction you choose to pursue in life. During this stage one learns to act on the basis of reason, takes responsibility for those actions and can explain them. During this stage is when individuals start to consider and experiment with sexual orientation, vocation, interpersonal relationships, community involvement, ethnic group membership, and moral, political, religious and cultural ideals.

Social media, media, friends, teachers, coaches and other environmental influences can have a major impact on a person's future during this stage. The footing and foundation of our self-concept is built during this stage as we figure out; who am I and how do I fit into my world. There is an old saying in Self-Help that goes something like this; "you are the sum of the five closes people to you".  Meaning you become a lot like the five close people you associate with. Today the five closes people would include social media and Youtube whereas most people spend more time on a device than talking with a person face to face.

If we are only as good as the five closes individuals we associate with it might be wise to be more picky about who we associate with. Do we associate with individuals who demonstrate values like respect, honor, forgiveness, humility, grace, and loyalty? Or are the five we give our time and energy to fun to be around but lack the values? Fun is a temporary emotion, not a value. Just because an individual is fun to watch or be around does not qualify him/her as someone to help us be the best version of yourself.

Everyone one of us has grown up in an imperfect environment and we have all developed incorrect brain codes about who we are and how we fit into our environment. Those incorrect brain codes are the root cause of our bad behavior and choices. If you would feel confused about who you are and how you fit into your world this session can help clear that up.

What Does This DIY Session Look Like

  • 2.5 to 5 Hours to Complete Session
  • 59 Fast Easy Assignments To Complete On Your Timeline
    • 3 to 6 minutes per assignment
  • 290 Brain Codes To Build and Strengthen Competence, Self-Worth and Industry

Better Behavior, Better Choices With No Conscious Effort Required!!!

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Real Results from Real People

"...I told her something she was doing that I wasn't happy about, she didn't get upset or take offence like she normally would."

"...he responds to what I say with kindness and love instead of anger and judgement."

"I have changed more bad behaviors in my life after a couple weeks of Brain Coding than I have after 10 years of therapy."

Adolescence DIY Session

