Preschool DIY Session

Symptoms and Associated Behaviors

  • Struggles to Regulate Emotions
  • Struggles to Master New Skills
  • Overwhelmed by Hard Things
  • Identity Confusion
  • Struggles with Social Skills
  • Low Self-Worth
  • Morality Issues
  • Struggles with Failure
  • Struggles to Achieve Goals
  • Struggles with Criticism
  • No Sense of Purpose in Life
3 - 6 girl

Preschool Overview

The third stage of Erik Erikson's psychosocial development is Initiative vs Guilt and occurs during the years of 3 and 6. This does not mean your child should never feel guilt. Children during this stage need to feel some guilt to help develop empathy. The balancing act is to allow children to feel guilt, but not so much that is stifles initiative and independence. During this stage children can learn to balance their independence through healthy relationships.

Environment that are overly structured or controlling can keep children from initiating their own purpose. Excessive screen time can also limit children's ability to use their imagination and their ability to initiate their own activities. When children can not live up overly structured or controlling environment they gain a sense of guilt.

What Does This DIY Session Look Like

  • 2.25 to 4.5 Hours to Complete Session
  • 49 Fast Easy Assignments To Complete On Your Timeline
    • 3 to 6 minutes per assignment
  • 247 Brain Codes To Build Initiative

Better Behavior, Better Choices With No Conscious Effort Required!!!

RMHW S_635351252

"...I told her something she was doing that I wasn't happy about, she didn't get upset or take offence like she normally would."

"...he responds to what I say with kindness and love instead of anger and judgement."

"I have changed more bad behaviors in my life after a couple weeks of Brain Coding than I have after 10 years of therapy."

Preschool DIY Session

