Infancy DIY Session

Symptoms and Associated Behaviors

  • Don't believe what other people say
  • Always expect the worst
  • Keep people at a distance
  • Jealous behaviors
  • Feel like you have to do everything
  • Avoid intimacy
  • Hold grudges
  • Pick fights
  • Questions other people's motives
  • Smother people you care about
  • Fear of Abandonment

Infancy Overview

According to Erik Erikson, infants who's environment provide them with a warm responsive gain a sense of trust, or confidence that the world is good. Mistrust occurs when infants have to wait too long for comfort and are handled harshly. Because there are 16 different personality types there are no set rules to define what "wait too long" is or what a "warm responsive environment" looks like. Some infants like to be held and cuddled where some prefer their independence.

Parents are not perfect, and each child is different so it is highly likely you and/or your children may have some trust issues and could benefit from these Brain Codes. Our brain programming is very complex just like computer programs and one symptoms could stem from multiple codes, the symptoms of distrust can stem from other Brain Codes as well. Additional Brain Codes may be required to eliminate certain symptoms. For example the symptom "avoids intimacy" could stem from a distrust programming or it could stem from the Brain Codes found in the Early Adulthood Session that focuses on intimacy.

What Does This DIY Session Look Like

  • Estimated Time to Complete this Session: 3.78 Hours
  • 29 Fast Easy Assignments which Take 3 to 6 Minutes Each
  • 133 Brain Codes To Build and Strengthen Trust

Corresponding Online DIY Sessions

  • Self-Esteem
  • Early Childhood Human Development
  • Overwhelmed
  • Fear
RMHW S_635351252

Real Results from Real People

"...I told her something she was doing that I wasn't happy about, she didn't get upset or take offence like she normally would."

Happy Client

"...he responds to what I say with kindness and love instead of anger and judgement."

Happy Client

"I have changed more bad behaviors in my life after a couple weeks of Brain Coding than I have after 10 years of therapy."

Happy Client

Infancy DIY Session

